Featured Articles

How I Used Behavioral Science to Turbo Charge My Twitter Account

There is no doubt that social media is a powerful force that has changed the way people communicate.  Yet, how can you leverage it to effectively promote yourself, your company and your message?  As the CEO of a sales training and consulting firm that specializes in applying behavioral science – the scientific study of how the human brain makes choices – to sales and business, I wondered what would happen …

Closing the Sale with Proven Science

“Would you allow us to put a billboard in your front yard?”  This was the question that a team of researchers, led by social psychologists Jonathan Freedman and Scott Frasier, asked residents of a California neighborhood.  The researchers, who were posing as volunteer workers, would show each homeowner a picture that clearly portrayed how the large sign would obstruct the view of their house.  Inscribed on the billboard was the …

3 Scientifically Proven Ways to Become More Influential

Everyone wants to be influential.  Each of us desire to communicate in a way that inspires others to listen and act upon our ideas.  In fact, if you reflect upon your last few social encounters you will quickly realize that you are regularly putting forth ideas that you want others to comply with.  It does not matter whether you are attempting to resolve a discrepancy on your telephone bill, convince …