Science and Sales

How Science Can Help You Sell More

How can you increase your sales?  This is where behavioral science – the study of how the human brain makes choices and which factors influence what we say, how we act, and what we decide to buy  – can help.  Here’s three science-backed principles that will increase your sales success.

Why Sales Simulations Should Replace Ride-alongs

In the past, many salespeople learned how to sell by observing other experienced sales reps on sales calls.  In fact, for some companies, these ride-alongs were a central part of the on-boarding process.  However, with the recent breakthroughs in the scientific understanding of how the brain learns and how expert performance is achieved, there is now an ocean of evidence that has shown that these ride-alongs are highly ineffective at …

The Science-Based Habits of Great Presenters

What makes someone an effective presenter?  Why do some sales people seem to effortlessly captivate their buyers, while others struggle just to keep them awake?  The way you present your ideas matters because it is often the deciding factor in whether or not your message will be met with acceptance or rejection.  Neuroscientist Gregory Berns summarizes this reality with the insightful statement, “A person can have the greatest idea in …

Why Less Will Help You Sell More

Would more product options help or hinder prospects in making a buying decision?  This was the question that two behavioral scientists, Sheena Iyengar from Columbia University and Mark Lepper from Stanford University sought to answer.[1] Iyengar and Lepper conducted numerous scientific experiments regarding how the quantity of information influences the decision to purchase.  One of their most well-known experiments occurred at an upscale grocery store in Melo Park, California.  For …

Two Nobel Prize Winning Ideas that Will Increase Your Sales

What factors influence a prospect’s decision to purchase a product or service?  Answering this question rightly is not only fundamental to selling, but also to the field of economics.  In the past, standard economic theory asserted that when consumers make buying decisions they do so in a rational, logical manner.  Yet, today economists no longer believe this to be true.  The reason for this change in philosophy is due to …

The Science of Outselling Your Competition

After a long day of hiking, two campers began setting up their campsite when they noticed a grizzly bear step out from the cover of the trees and aggressively move towards them.  One of the campers was instantly paralyzed with fear and stood frozen as the enraged bear approached.  However, the other camper sprang into action and quickly pulled off his boots and took his running shoes out of his …

The Science of Buying

What is the #1 reason for a lack of sales results?  Every sales leader acknowledges that sales deficiency is an alarming problem.  Many had hoped that social selling and access to big data would solve the issue.  It hasn’t.  The statistics show that today just as many sales people fail to make quota as did a decade ago.  Now there is no doubt that leveraging social media and big data …

Selling with Choice Architecture

How can sales people sell in a way that will inspire prospects to choose to do business with them?  Today, because of the advances in behavioral science, we know the answer to this important question.  Over the last few decades, behavioral scientists have conducted thousands of research studies which have revealed the causal factors that direct human behavior.  The findings of this research have shown that the way a choice …

Multitasking: The Modern Myth

You are busy.  Regardless of your profession, on a daily basis you are inundated with a seemingly endless stream of phone calls, emails, text messages and meetings.  Because of the rapid pace and high demands of the modern workplace, everyone is in search of ways to increase their productivity.  One popular technique that many utilize in an attempt to execute numerous tasks quickly is multitasking.  When a person attempts to …

Integrating Proven Science and Sales

There is an unsettling trend occurring in the profession of sales.  Surveys indicate that a staggering 38% – 49% of all sales people do not make quota every year.  Stop for a moment and ponder the severity of this issue.  Roughly 4 – 5 out of every 10 professional sales people fail to meet the standard that their company has placed upon them.  This lack of sales is not merely …

5 Scientifically Proven Ways to Increase Server’s Tips

Recently, I was approached by someone in the food service industry and asked if I had any insights from my study of the proven science of influence that could help servers increase their tips.  Though there are many strategies that servers could employ to deepen rapport with their guests, the following are five scientifically validated behaviors that will both enhance a server’s tips and also create a more enjoyable dining …