Selling with Choice Architecture

How can sales people sell in a way that will inspire prospects to choose to do business with them?  Today, because of the advances in behavioral science, we know the answer to this important question.  Over the last few decades, behavioral scientists have conducted thousands of research studies which have revealed the causal factors that direct human behavior.  The findings of this research have shown that the way a choice …

Sales Ability is Not Fixed

Success in selling, like any other profession, is the result of competent training and relentless practice.  There are no natural born sellers.  Selling is not an innate skill, but one that must be constantly nurtured.  This has been proven though recent discoveries in the field of neuroscience, which have revealed that the human brain is not hardwired, but is constantly changing.  The reason is because of the over 100 billion neurons …

Practical Wisdom for Successful Selling

In the 4th century BC, Aristotle, the father of persuasion, deemed it the key to prosperous living.[1]  Likewise, it is also a core skill that enables successful selling.  Top sales performers exhibit what Aristotle called Phronesis, which is translated “practical wisdom.”  This practical wisdom is the ability to adapt to unique circumstances.  Aristotle asserted that practical wisdom had two essential components.  First, one must desire to do the right thing.  …

The Difference Between Persuasion & Manipulation

The difference between persuasion and manipulation has been a subject of debate for literally thousands of years.  In ancient Greece during the 4th century BC the father of persuasion, Aristotle, opposed a group of teachers known as the Sophists.  The Sophists provided instruction in various disciplines, but became infamous for their teaching of rhetoric.  Aristotle clashed with the Sophists over the fact that they did not care about truth, but …

Nap Your Way to Increased Productivity

Can napping increase your productivity?  Surprisingly, in spite of the fact that napping usually evokes mental images associated with laziness, recent scientific findings have conclusively proven that naps can actually boost productivity. The reason that scientists recommend napping is because it alters your brain waves. Neuroscientists study brain waves through a machine called an electroencephalogram (EEG).  An EEG records the electrical activity in the brain and alerts scientists when the …

Multitasking: The Modern Myth

You are busy.  Regardless of your profession, on a daily basis you are inundated with a seemingly endless stream of phone calls, emails, text messages and meetings.  Because of the rapid pace and high demands of the modern workplace, everyone is in search of ways to increase their productivity.  One popular technique that many utilize in an attempt to execute numerous tasks quickly is multitasking.  When a person attempts to …

Is Selling an Art or a Science?

Is selling an art or a science?  When this question is posed to sales trainers their responses are usually identical.  Most sales trainers state that selling is both an art and a science.  Some trainers will even attempt to guess what percentage of selling is an art and what percentage is a science.  This question is usually treated as theoretical, having little impact upon how a sales person actually sells.  …

Integrating Proven Science and Sales

There is an unsettling trend occurring in the profession of sales.  Surveys indicate that a staggering 38% – 49% of all sales people do not make quota every year.  Stop for a moment and ponder the severity of this issue.  Roughly 4 – 5 out of every 10 professional sales people fail to meet the standard that their company has placed upon them.  This lack of sales is not merely …

If You Share, Will They Care?

It was a breakthrough that made Australian researchers Barry Marshal and Robin Warren famous and earned them the Nobel Prize.  Their findings were considered a medical miracle that revolutionized how doctors treated painful stomach ulcers.  Prior to Marshal and Warren’s discovery, the medical community believed that stomach ulcers were incurable.  Doctors focused only on reducing the pain that the ulcers triggered. 

How I Used Behavioral Science to Turbo Charge My Twitter Account

There is no doubt that social media is a powerful force that has changed the way people communicate.  Yet, how can you leverage it to effectively promote yourself, your company and your message?  As the CEO of a sales training and consulting firm that specializes in applying behavioral science – the scientific study of how the human brain makes choices – to sales and business, I wondered what would happen …

Have You Been Mesmerized By Sales Training?

In the late 1700’s, Dr. Franz Anton Mesmer became famous throughout France for his attempts to heal the human body though the use of magnets.  Mesmer proclaimed that the human body contained magnetic force fields and if these force fields were not in harmony, illness would result.  To cure these ailments, Mesmer devised a magnet therapy that he claimed would realign the magnetic forces in the body.    At first …

The New Reality: Everyone is Now in Sales

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics sales is the second largest occupation in the United States.[1]  This equates to 1 out of every 9 people being employed in the profession of sales.  However, there is also compelling evidence that those who have non-sales jobs are also engaging in selling behaviors that shape their level of professional success.  In short, there has been a radical shift in the marketplace …