Sales Blog

The Science of Sales Leadership

People have been writing about leadership—what makes a good leader, what makes a bad one, and how come—since just about as long as there have been leaders (Marcus Aurelius, Sun Tzu, et al.). It’s only relatively recently that the study of leadership has taken a scientific turn. Now, behavioral scientists are discovering some dimensions of leadership that turn conventional wisdom sideways. Here are four of the more surprising habits that, …

3 Scientifically Proven Behaviors that Lead to Success

In the past, success was thought to result from some combination of inborn talent, timing, and luck. But advances in behavioral science are rapidly reshaping that picture. We now know there are several behaviors that can predictably lead to improved performance. Anyone who practices them is more likely to succeed at what they set out to do. Here’s a look at three of them.

The Science of Buying Decisions

In the past, many believed that when people made buying decisions they did so in a rational, logical manner. Today, behavioral science has proven this notion incorrect. There have been thousands of scientific studies which have revealed that when people make decisions they do not engage in a rational, cost-benefit analysis, but instead rely upon a set of fixed psychological principles. This is extremely important for sales people to grasp …

Why Extroverts Make Poor Sales People

Traditional sales wisdom claims that the best sales people are extroverts. They are outgoing, social individuals who are believed to be so naturally gifted that they can “sell ice to Eskimos.” What’s more, often when hiring sales people, managers will use personality tests to identify those who are extroverts. Potential candidates are posed questions like, “When at a party are you more likely to be the center of attention or …

The Science of Having More Confidence

Over the last few decades there have been many research studies that have delved into the science of confidence.  The findings of this research convey clear, science-based strategies that will guide anyone in becoming more confident.  This is no small matter because the research also confirms that having confidence in oneself enhances how others perceive you.  For instance, a study conducted at Carnegie Mellon University’s Center for Behavioral Decision Research …

Future of Selling

The Future of Selling

The profession of sales is on the verge of a revolution that will change it forever.  Early adopters who have embraced this revolution are experiencing a significant competitive advantage that is causing their sales production and market share to explode.   Every sales leader knows that the world of selling has changed and the profession of sales must also adapt.  The current marketplace is more challenging than any that preceded …

Product Knowledge

Using Product Knowledge Effectively

Product knowledge is one of the most misunderstood topics in selling.  Business leaders often barrage their sales teams with information about their products in the hope that it will increase sales.  It never does.  Many have asked, “how much product knowledge does a sales person need to be successful?”  Those who pose the question are looking for an answer that reads like a checklist.  Sales people need to know this, …

Don’t Try Harder, Get Better

Surveys have consistently found that approximately 42% of all sales people fail to meet their quota.  Many of these sales people work hard and desperately want to be successful, yet they still struggle.  They often thrown their hands up in frustration and proclaim, “I am doing my best.”  This declaration reveals the answer to their situation.  Stop doing your best.  Instead, get better.  Everyone has experienced times when their best …